Care Guide - Corydoras Catfish

  • Nov 28, 2023
  • Dan

G'day, fellow fish enthusiasts! If you're on the lookout for charming, bottom-dwelling tank mates, the Corydoras Catfish (Corydoras aeneus) is a fantastic choice for your Aussie aquarium. As a seasoned breeder, I'm here to share the ins and outs of caring for these delightful fish, covering their characteristics, care requirements, ideal tank mates, and even the art of breeding.

What Are Corydoras Catfish?

Corydoras Catfish, also known as Bronze Corys, are small, sociable fish originating from South America. Recognisable by their armoured appearance and playful nature, these catfish are a wonderful addition to any aquarium, bringing a touch of elegance to the substrate.

How to Care for Corydoras Catfish

1. Tank Setup:

  • Size: Aim for a tank size of at least 75-litre (20 gallons) to accommodate a small school.
  • Substrate: Use fine gravel or sand to create a soft and comfortable substrate. Corydoras enjoy sifting through it.
  • Filtration: Employ a gentle filter to maintain clean water without creating strong currents.

2. Water Parameters:

  • Temperature: Keep the water between 22-26°C (71.6-78.8°F).
  • pH Level: Aim for a slightly acidic to neutral pH, around 6.5-7.5.
  • Water Hardness: Corydoras prefer moderately soft to moderately hard water, with a hardness of 5-15 dGH (89.5-267.9 ppm).

3. Feeding:

  • Corydoras are omnivores. Feed them a balanced diet of high-quality sinking pellets or flakes.
  • Supplement their diet with live or frozen foods, such as bloodworms or brine shrimp.

4. Tank Enrichment:

  • Provide hiding spots like caves or driftwood. Corydoras appreciate having safe spaces.
  • Keep the tank well-planted, as they enjoy exploring vegetation.

What Fish Make Good Tank Mates?

Corydoras are peaceful tank mates that get along well with a variety of species:

  • Tetras: Such as Neon Tetras or Ember Tetras.
  • Guppies: Peaceful and add a splash of colour to your tank.
  • Betta Fish: As long as your Betta is not overly aggressive, they can coexist peacefully.

Avoid aggressive or fin-nipping fish to ensure a harmonious community.

How to Breed Corydoras Catfish

Breeding Corydoras Catfish can be a fascinating endeavour. Here's a beginner-friendly guide:

  1. Separate Breeding Tank: Set up a separate tank with a fine substrate for egg deposition.
  2. Water Conditions: Mimic their usual tank conditions with slightly warmer water and a slightly lower pH.
  3. Inducing Spawning: Perform a partial water change with cooler water, simulating the rainy season.
  4. Egg Laying: Females lay eggs on surfaces, and males fertilize them. Use marbles or a breeding cone for egg deposition.
  5. Fry Care: Once hatched, feed the fry specialized fry food or powdered flakes.

With a bit of patience and attention, you may soon find yourself with a tank full of adorable Corydoras fry!

Remember, keeping Corydoras Catfish is a joyous experience. If you have any questions or need advice, don't hesitate to reach out. Happy fishkeeping!