Care Guide - Guppys

  • Nov 28, 2023
  • Dan

G'day, fellow aquarium enthusiasts! If you're after a splash of colour and a lively addition to your Aussie tank, look no further than the Guppy (Poecilia reticulata). As a seasoned breeder of these vibrant fish, I'm here to share the basics of caring for Guppys – covering their traits, care needs, ideal tank mates, and the ins and outs of breeding.

What Are Guppys?

Guppys, often called millionfish, are small, colourful freshwater fish native to South America. Known for their dazzling tails and active personalities, Guppys are the perfect choice for beginner aquarists Down Under.

How to Care for Guppys

1. Tank Setup:

  • Size: A 35-litre (10-gallon) tank is perfect for a small school of Guppys.
  • Decor: Include plants and decorations, but leave open spaces for swimming.
  • Filtration: Guppys appreciate a gentle filter to keep the water clean.

2. Water Parameters:

  • Temperature: Keep the water between 24-28°C (75.2-82.4°F).
  • pH Level: Aim for a slightly alkaline to neutral pH, around 7.0-7.5.
  • Water Hardness: Guppys prefer moderately hard water, with a hardness of 10-15 dGH (179-267.9 ppm).

3. Feeding:

  • Guppys are omnivores. Feed them high-quality flakes or pellets.
  • Treat them with occasional live or frozen foods like brine shrimp or daphnia.

4. Tank Enrichment:

  • Guppys enjoy a mix of live and artificial plants for exploration.
  • Provide floating plants for fry to hide among.

What Fish Make Good Tank Mates?

Guppys are generally peaceful and can share a tank with various species:

  • Neon Tetras: Small and peaceful schooling fish.
  • Corydoras Catfish: Bottom-dwellers that won't bother Guppys.
  • Mollies: Similar water parameter preferences and peaceful disposition.

Avoid aggressive or fin-nipping fish to ensure a harmonious community.

How to Breed Guppys

Breeding Guppys is an exciting part of aquarium keeping. Here's a simple guide:

  1. Separate Breeding Tank: Set up a separate tank with plenty of hiding spots for fry.
  2. Pair Selection: Introduce a male and female with vibrant colours.
  3. Spawning: Guppys are livebearers, and females give birth to fry.
  4. Fry Care: Once born, separate the fry from adults and provide them with powdered fry food or crushed flakes.

With Guppys, you might soon have a tank full of colourful fry swimming about!

Remember, keeping Guppys is a colourful and rewarding experience. If you have any questions or need advice, don't hesitate to reach out. Happy fishkeeping!