Live Plants

Check out our selection of live aquarium plants.

Vallisneria (Thin)

Vallisneria Australis

Buy 1 bunch for $10 (bunch of 2-3)
Buy 10 bunches for $80 ($8 each, bunch of 2-3)
Buy 20 bunches for $120 ($6 each, bunch of 2-3)

Guppy Grass

Najas Guadalupensis

Buy for $5 per portion (portion size is roughly 10x10cm)


Lemna mino

Buy for $5 per portion (portion size is roughly 10x10cm)

Amazon Sword (Large)

Buy for $30 each


Cryptocoryne Wendtii

Buy for $30 each

Anubias Nana

Buy for $30 each

Anubias Barteri

Buy for $30 each